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About the work

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An imagined interpretation of a colonial-era battle between the Indigenous peoples of the Philippines and Spanish forces. The Spanish are outfitted with firearms and an armada of ships, while the Indigenous people defend themselves with bows and arrows. The dynamic composition gives preference to the Indigenous people on the left and recedes toward the Spanish forces in a seemingly formulaic manner.

Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum Object Description

A broad landscape with Philippine Islanders in the left foreground and center who shoot their bows towards Spanish troops, who approach with guns from the right. In the background at right is a bay where a number of small boats land, sent from five large Spanish ships farther out at sea. Preliminary design for grisille painting realized by Stradanus' son Scipione, for the obsequies in memory of Philip II of Spain, held at the Church of San Lorenzo in Florence on 12 November 1598.

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