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Medieval French military leader Joan of Arc is perhaps Europe’s most iconic woman warrior. Artists have represented her in different ways, often playing up her masculinity or femininity based on the standards of their time. This tender bronze cast of Joan emphasizes her piety and military commitment. It is a rare representation of Joan by a woman artist. Princess Marie d’Orléans, daughter of king Louis-Philippe, sculpted it as a commission for her father. As a royal French woman, Princess Marie would likely have identified with Joan as a female national symbol. In this sculpture, Joan wears full armor, with a helmet and gauntlets at her side. Her simple, cropped hair was common among medieval European people who had been enslaved or defeated in battle. It may also reflect Joan’s real-life choice of a simple, functional military presentation. She clutches her sword to her chest as if in prayer, conveying her combination of saintliness and valor.

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