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About the work

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Nkisi Nkondi figures are spiritual vessels created by sculptors from the Republic of Congo. Nkisi are protective spirits typically depicted as standing figures with hands on hips. They are sculpted from clay, wood, metal, and other materials. A cavity in this figure's stomach would have housed medicinal and spiritual objects to ward off malevolent factors. Objects piercing the figure and the pose further assert the figure's divine power and willingness to protect its owner.

Brooklyn Museum Object Description

Image of a man, stuck with nails and knives. Mirror in navel. Free carved feet standing on a block. Hands at hips. Stained white in most parts. Four flat pronged high headdress. Open mouth with teeth and tongue showing. Bracelets around biceps. Condition: Good

African art is conceptual art. In both form and use, it reveals sophisticated systems of knowledge, but rarely directly. These two seemingly unrelated works express hidden and poignant ideas about security and liberty.

An nkisi nkondi embodies defensive power and was used to protect a community. To complete this sculpture, a ritual expert placed potent ingredients associated with supernatural powers in the cavity carved into the figure’s abdomen. Nails ...

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